Thursday, February 7, 2013

Handling Difficulties

Ever faced a difficult time in life?

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said that the first step in handling tough times is to “Lift Your Spirits.”  Dr. Peale believed in the power of positive thinking.  In fact, in its day, it was one of the best-selling books.  He believed “that the most powerful force in this universe is a positive thought properly used.”  Nothing can be overcome in life until your thoughts are positive.

How do you do this?  His said, first, monitor your moods.

It doesn’t mean to become alarmed if your mood becomes low or high, but be aware if your mood goes down and stays down.  It is in recognizing these times that you can become aware that you need your spirit and your spiritual life lifted. 

Dr. Peale said, when you are feeling discouraged... get out into the sun, feel the warmth and remember what God has done for you in the past.

Then, work on clearing your mind of negative thoughts.  These are the thoughts that are hateful, apprehensive, fearful and evil.  In doing so, you will begin to feel your spirit lifted. 

Often we allow destructive attitudes to consume us.  We let those with destructive attitudes affect our own thinking and actions.  Remember, no matter what circumstance you are facing, nothing is ever permanent and the blessings of God can pour down on us like rain.

So I ask you.  How are your spirits today?  What is your present mood?  If it is not positive, how can you change it?  Take a break, step out into the sun, or think of the sun and the warmth of God’s presence, and then, clear your mind and begin again.  If your present mood is positive and great, reach out to someone in difficulty. 

Dr. Peale in his writings listed positive affirmations we can grasp hold of and remember.  In his call to lift your spirit he said, “Remember all the good God has done for you in the past.  Visualize all the good God will do for you in the future.”
excerpts taken from How to find ways to resolve your problems by Norman Vincent Peale.
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